A-Z Index
- The main entry for each work appears under the relevant year [works catalogued under earliest date mentioned – e.g. for Fabricated Rooms (1997-99), see under 1997]
- Titles beginning with ‘A/An’ and ‘The’ indexed under next main word: e.g. for The Ritual, see under R
- Only titles inscribed by the artist or clearly preferred by him (e.g. in exhibition catalogues) are listed; ‘Untitled’ is used for all other works (even if published elsewhere under other names)
- Cross-references are included for all alternative titles
- As in the catalogue proper, inscribed dates are shown without surrounding brackets; brackets indicate dates that are certain but otherwise documented or inferred; uncertain dates are indicated with a query: e.g. (1984?)
- Works added to the catalogue since June 2010 are indicated with an asterisk*
- For further details of additions, deletions and significant title changes since 2010, see Current update
96 Zappo 1996 [previously listed as Zappo (1996)]
Abstract Painting in Dark Blue and Ochre (1991-3) [Howard Arkley & John Nixon]
‘Abstract’: see Untitled [‘Abstract’] 1976
‘Abstract’: see also Untitled [‘Abstract’] 1980 [W/P]
‘Abstract’: see also Untitled [‘Abstract’] (c.1980-81?) [W/P]
‘Abstract’: see also Untitled [‘Abstract’] 1981 [W/P]
ACCA mural: see Untitled room installation (ACCA mural) (1984) [3/M]
Actuality (Is the Void Between Events) 1976
After Durer’s illustrations, Treatise on Measurement (1525) (1987)
* After Durer’s illustrations, Treatise on Measurement (1525) 1987 [W/P]
Amphetamine: see Agave Parviflora 1985
Amphetamine (Spot the Difference): see Spot the Difference (Slow) 1983
Ancestral Fronds (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Arabesque (1979) [Coloured Paisley]
Arabesque – Drawing for Decorated Tram 3 (1980) [W/P] {unidentified}
‘Arkley’ jumper (1977) [3/M] (Howard Arkley & Elizabeth Gower)
Arrows and Crosses 1980 [aka ‘Op’]
Arrows-Crosses: see Deco 1979 [aka Arrows-Crosses]
Billboard: see Winds of War Graffiti 1983
Black and White Icon (1995) [W/P]
Blue Chip Instant Decorator: a Room 1989 [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]
Blue Chip Instant Decorator: a Room (1991-2) [3/M] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]
Bodgie 1979 [aka Bodgie-Widgie, Deco]
Bodgie-Widgie: see Bodgie 1979 [aka Bodgie-Widgie, Deco]
* Brand New Villa (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Brick Veneer with Feature Window 1988
Bum Flowers 1995 [Howard Arkley & Alison Burton]
Cactaceae-Horstii (1985?): see Conophytums (1984) [W/P]
Cacti and Succulent (1995) [W/P]
Cacti Day and Night 1984 [W/P]
Cactus Head: see Untitled [‘Cactus Head’] 1984 [W/P]
Camera Head: see Polaroid Portrait 1990
Cartographer (after Durer) 1983
Cartographer (after Durer) (1995) [W/P]
Chair Tableau with Muzak Mural; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Chair: see also Untitled (Chair) (1991) [3/M]
Chairs: see also Four Chairs (1981-91) [3/M]
Chairs: see also Four Chairs W, V, X, T 1980 [W/P]
Circle 1977 [W/P] {unidentified}
Circular Model (1976) [W/P] {unidentified}
Coils: see Secession 1979
Colour Field Home 1999 [previously listed as Untitled [House #1] (1999)]
Coloured Primitive 1982 [previously listed as Untitled [Heads & Arrows] (1981?)]
Colourfield House (1996) [W/P]
Containing Seeds: see Study for White Painting #D 1975 [W/P]
Corner House: see Brand New Villa 1994
Corner House (study) (1995) [W/P]
Cup and Saucer (1980) [W/P] [‘Functional Object’ series]
Current flows flying into play 1972 [W/P]
Curvilinear: see Arabesque 1978
A Death Thing (1982) [W/P] {unidentified}
Deco 1979 [aka Arrows-Crosses]
Deco: see also Arrows and Crosses 1980 [aka ‘Op’]
Deco: see also Bodgie 1979 [aka Bodgie-Widgie, Deco]
Decorated t-shirt (1983) [3/M]
Deluxe Space: see Supa Interior (1999)
Design for Tapestry (c.1983?) [W/P?] {unidentified}
Design (in 2 sections) for a Tapestry 1983 [W/P]
Disco Cacti B/W (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Discocacti [study] (1986?) [W/P]
Domestic Agriculture (1987) [W/P]
Domestic Horticulture (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Drawing for Decorated Tram Project 1980 [W/P]
* Drawing for Tram (1980) [W/P]
Dress 1980 [W/P] (‘Functional Object’ series)
English Style (1987) [formerly listed as Tudor House 1987]
Established Garden: see House with Native Tree 1996
Ever Feel Like Drowning (1987) [W/P]
Exquisite Corpse: see Untitled (‘Exquisite Corpse’) [1-4] (1984) [W/P] [Howard Arkley, Juan Davila, Maria Kozic]
Face of an Icon (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Faces – Variations 1-8 (1985?) [W/P?] {unidentified}
Family Home: Suburban Exterior (1993)
Feet: see Tattooed Feet 1983
Figurative (1981) [W/P] {unidentified}
Floral: see also Arabesque 1979 [Floral]
Floral Interior (1996) [W/P] {unidentified}
Four Chairs W, V, X, T 1980 [W/P]
Freeway Exit (1999) [previously listed as Freeway Exit [Lovegrove] (1999)]
Freeway (over pass) (1996) [W/P]
A Freeway Painting (Exit) 1994
A Freeway Painting (Over Pass) 1994
Freeway: see also The Rialto Freeway (1998)
Freeways: see also Photographs of Los Angeles Freeways (1999) [3/M]
Futurist: see Curvelinear 1978
Futurist Painting: see Curvilinear Painting (1978)
Germinating (1973?) [W/P] {unidentified}
‘Girl in a Car’: see Untitled [‘Girl in a Car’] (1976-7?)
Grid and Lattice Wallcoverings (1987) [3/M]
Grid and Lattice Wallcoverings (1987) [3/M]
Hands: see Tattooed Hands 1983
Happenstance: see also Physiognomy 1987
Have you any glass friends (1972) [W/P]
Head Baudelaire: see Mask for Baudelaire (1994) [W/P]
* Head of Young Man (Dale) 1998 [W/P]
Head Satre (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Highrise on Highrise (1996) [W/P]
Home Enclosed by Fence 1995 [W/P]
Home with Brown Bush 1999 [previously listed as Untitled [House #2] (1999) and Untitled [House] (1999)]
* The Home with the Purple Gate 1998 [W/P]
Hooliganism (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
House (1988) [W/P] {unidentified}
House and Garden Western Suburbs, Melbourne 1988
House and Native Tree 1996 [W/P]
House with Gate: see Residence with Gate 1999
Household Interior (1996) [W/P] {unidentified}
* However many heads + two flowers 1981 [W/P]
Icon Interior (1994-2001) [3/M] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]
Icons: see Through the Peel of the Orange 1982 [W/P]
Idiot Vision (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Illogical Graft (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Inhaling (c.1973-4) {unidentified}
Interior [Bellas] (1996) [W/P]
Interior with Built-in Bar (1992) [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila] {screen print}
Interior with Built-in-Bar 1992 [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila] {gouache}
Interiorite 1992 {unidentified}
Isometric Chair (1980) [W/P]: see W Chair (1980) [W/P]
Ketoacidosis (1996) [W/P] {unidentified}
Ketoacidosis and Head (1995) [W/P]
Lacquered Bracket (1998) [3/M]
Lanced Lace: see Lace-Lanced 1983 [W/P]
A Large House and Garden (1997)
Large Organic Model (1977) [W/P]
Lattices: see Lattice and Grids 1981
* Lavender and Sweet William 1998
Leaves of the Leaf series 1975 [W/P]
Leaves of the Leaf series (6) 1975 [W/P]
* Letter-box Home [interior] 1995 [W/P]
Lightning: see also Zappo 1983
Liquid Tracing (1977) [W/P] {unidentified}
Logitex (a hooked rug) (1981) [3/M]
Logitex (table and chair tableau) (1980-84) [3/M]
Logitex: see also Logitec (1981?)
Magical Tango (1973?) [W/P] {unidentified}
Man Looking onto Cityscape: see Untitled [‘Man looking onto cityscape’] (1994?)
Map Book 1978 [3/M] [Howard Arkley & Elizabeth Gower]
Mask for Baudelaire (1994) [W/P]
Matt’s Topy + Cacti (stillife) 1995
Measured Model (1976) [W/P] {unidentified}
Measured Model (E) (1976) [W/P] {unidentified}
Model Tudor Village, Fitzroy Gardens 1986
Muzak Mural – Chair Tableau (1980-81) [3/M]
Neapolitan Delight (1993) [kitchen]
Neapolitan Delight (1993) [lounge-room]
Neocammgii (1993) [W/P] {unidentified}
Neocummgii 1984: see Stapelia-Peduncle 1986 [W/P]
Nick Cave: see also Study for Nick Cave (1999) (double sided drawing) [W/P]
Notocactis (1993) [W/P] {unidentified}
Nude dreaming of spiders 1982 [W/P]
Op: see Arrows and Crosses 1980 [aka ‘Op’]
Operations – Notch – Trim: see Operations, Notch, Trim 1975
Operations, Notch, Trim, Spread: see Operations, Notch, Trim 1975
Operations (Spread Enclose Filling): see Operations, Notch, Trim 1975
Organic Model A (Thought Form) 1976
Organic Model (Intuitive Reason) (1976)
Organic Model F (Liquid) (1976)
Organic Model G (Black Square) 1976 [Coventry]
Organic Model G (Black Square) 1976 [Tolarno]
Organic Model Study 1977 [W/P]
Organic Model: see also Organic Model D (Intuitive Reason) (1976)
Oriental Line Study 1975 [W/P]
Oriental Recording (1977?) {unidentified}
Oriental (wave study) (1975) [W/P] {unidentified}
Outside-Inside-Out 1995 [‘The Heide Installation’]
Paisley; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Paper Construction (1978) [W/P] (states 1-3)
Paris doorways: see Photographs of Paris doorways (1977) [3/M]
Pattern Painting; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Pauses (Interchronic) (1976) [W/P]
Peel of the Orange 1983: see Agave Parviflora 1985
Penis: see Tattooed Penis (1983)
Photographs of Australian flywire screen doors (c.1978-80) [3/M]
Photographs of Los Angeles Freeways (1999) [3/M]
Photographs of Paris doorways (1977) [3/M]
Pink Home 1998 [previously listed as Untitled [House with Gate variant] (1999?)]
‘Poles’: see Untitled [‘Poles’] 1976 [W/P]
Portrait: see Tattooed Head (1983)
* Portrait of David Bromley 1997 [W/P]
‘Portrait of the Artist and Five Friends’ project (1984 and later) [3/M]
Primal (Thought Form): see Organic Model D (Intuitive Reason) (1976)
Primal (Thought Forms): see Organic Model G (Black Square) 1976 [Tolarno]
A Primary Organic Model (1976) [W/P] {unidentified}
Primitive [mural] (1981) [W/P]
Primitive [small] (1981) [W/P] {unidentified}
Primitive Gold / Primitive Silver 1981
Print Out II (red and blue): see Printout Red/Blue 1980
Printout – Drawing for Decorated Tram 4 (1980) [W/P]
Print-out Red/Blue (1979?) [W/P] {unidentified}
Proton-Neutron – Drawing for Decorated Tram 1 (1980) [W/P]
Psychedelic Painting [study] 1978 [W/P]
Reading (1973?) [W/P] {unidentified}
Recommended Rooms Tableau (1993) [3/M]
Recording Model: see Pauses (Interchronic) 1976
Recording (Scientific Knowledge) (1975) {unidentified}
Red Dress: see Dress 1980 [W/P] (‘Functional Object’ series)
Red Wedge [#1] 1981 [W/P] [previously listed as Redwedge]
* Red Wedge [#2] 1981 [W/P] [new entry added 12/23]
Red Wedge: see also Logitex (a hooked rug) (1981) [3/M], Untitled [Red Wedge] (1981?) and Untitled [Red Wedge study] (1981?) [W/P]
Romantic (Spot the Difference): see Spot the Difference (Fast) 1983
Room Interior 1980 [W/P] (‘Functional Object’ series)
Room Within a Home (1995) [W/P]
Roomrite 1992 [1993]
Second Tracing: see Oriental (Wave Study) 1974
‘Selection of source photographs for “Suburban House” series’ 1987 [3/M]
Self contained [collage] (1972) [W/P]
Shadow Factories (1988) [Tolarno]
Shadow Factories 1989 [Deutscher]
Shadow Factories (1990) [Lyon]
Silver Room: see Room Interior 1980 [W/P] [aka ‘Silver Room’] (‘Functional Object’ series)
Skulls and Bones (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
* Space Between Events (1975) [W/P]
Spartan Space (Homage to De Stijl) 1992
Speeding: see also Fast-lid 1974
A Splendid Superior Home (1989)
Spot the Difference (A): see Spot the Difference (Fast) 1983
Spot the Difference (B): see Spot the Difference (Slow) 1983
Spot the Difference (Fast) 1983
Spot the Difference (Slow) 1983
‘Spots’: see Untitled [‘Spots’] 1978 [W/P]
Static/Dynamic Opposition (1974)
Still Life D.E. (Linear Analysis) (1976)
Still Life Petunias (1996) [W/P] {unidentified}
Still Life – Tailflowers – see Bum Flowers 1995 [Howard Arkley & Alison Burton]
Stillife Petunias (for Leigh) 1997
Strange Fruit: see also Physiognomy 1987
Strange Fruit B/W (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Study for Actuality [Monash #1] (1974) [W/P]
Study for Actuality [Monash #2] (1974) [W/P] {unidentified}
Study for Actuality [A93] (1974) [W/P]
* Study for Chair Tableau, Blue X 1993
Study for Nick Cave (1999) (double sided drawing) [W/P]
Study for Oriental Wave Study #1 [A94] (1974) [W/P]
Study for Oriental Wave Study #2 (1974) [W/P]
Study for White Painting #D 1975 [W/P] [previously listed as Containing Seeds]
Suburban Allegory (1994?) {unidentified}
Suburban Domestic (1997) [W/P]
* Suburban Exterior (1995) [W/P]
Suburban Head (1985?) [W/P?] {unidentified}
Suburban houses: see also ‘Selection of source photographs for “Suburban House” series’ 1987 [3/M]
Suburban Interior (1995) [W/P]
* Suburban Landscape 1987 [Howard Arkley & Christine Johnson]
Suburban Window 1987 [Howard Arkley & Christine Johnson]
Suicide; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Suicide: see also Untitled [‘Suicide’] (1984) [W/P]
Supernova/Remnants (1989) {unidentified}
Table 1980 [W/P] (‘Functional Object’ series)
Table Lamp (1980-81) [3/M] [Howard Arkley & John Nixon]
Tattooed: see Tattooed Head (1983)
‘Tattooed’ series (1983) [comprising 4 individual canvases]
Tattooed Head; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Theatrical Facade (1996) [Canberra]
Thermonuclear: see Interstellar/Offcuts 1989
The Three Notations 1978 [W/P]
Through the Peel of the Orange 1982 [W/P]
Ticks and Crosses: see also Arrows and Crosses 1980 [aka ‘Op’]
Tram Drawing: see also Drawing for Decorated Tram Project 1980 [W/P]
The Triffids [poster] 1985 [W/P]
Tudor House; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Tudor Village: see also Model Tudor Village, Fitzroy Gardens 1986
Tulips in a White Vase (1996) [W/P]
* Tulips – Still Life 1997 [W/P]
Twin Propogation no.2 (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
Untitled 1976 {previously listed as Untitled [‘Abstract’] 1976]}
Untitled (1983) [W/P] {previously titled Untitled (Agave study) (1982) [W/P]}
Untitled (1986) [W/P] {unidentified}
Untitled 1992 [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]
* Untitled [A1] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A2] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A3] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A4] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A5] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A6] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A7] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A8] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A9] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A10] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A11] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A12] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A13] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A14] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A15] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A16] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A17] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A18] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A19] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A20] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A21] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A22] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A23] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A24] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A25] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A26] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A27] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A28] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A29] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A30] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A31] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A32] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A33] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A34] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A35] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A36] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A37] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A38] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A39] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A40] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A41] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A42] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A43] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A44] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A45] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A46] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A47] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A48] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A49] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A50] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A51] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A52] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A53] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A54] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A55] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A56] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A57] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A58] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A59] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A60] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A61] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A62] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A63] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A65] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A66] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A67] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A68a] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A70] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A71] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A72] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A73] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A74] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A75] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A76] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A77] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A78] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A79] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A80] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A81] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A82] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A83] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A84] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A85] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A86] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A87] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A88] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A89] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A90] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A91] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A92] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A93: see Study for Actuality [A93] (1974) [W/P]
* A94: see Study for Oriental Wave Study #1 [A94] (1974) [W/P]
* Untitled [A92A] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A95] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A114] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A115] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A119] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A120] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A121] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A122] (c.1974-75) [W/P]
* Untitled [A123] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A124] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A125] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A126: see Vowel Formats [A126] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A127] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A128] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A129] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A130] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A131] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A132] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A133] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A134] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A135] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A136] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A137] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A138] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A139] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A141] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A142] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A143] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A144] (c.1984-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A145] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A153] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A154] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A155] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A181] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A182] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A183] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A184] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A185] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A186] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A187] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A188] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A189] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A190] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [A191] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A192] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A210] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A211] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A212] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A213: see Oriental Line Study 1975 [W/P]
* Untitled [A214] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A215] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A216] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A217: see Organic Model Study 1977 [W/P]
* Untitled [A218] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A219: see Pauses (Interchronic) (1976) [W/P]
* Untitled [A220] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A221] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A222: see Winter Notations 1975 [W/P]
* A223: see Untitled [Winter Notations variant] 1974 [W/P]
* A224: see Untitled [Winter Notations variant] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled [A225] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A226] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* A227: see Large Organic Model (1977) [W/P]
* Untitled [A228] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A229] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A230] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A231] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A232] (c.1974-76)[W/P]
* Untitled [A233] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A234] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A235] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A236] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [A279] c.1973 [W/P]
* Untitled [A280] c.1973 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Abstract’] 1980 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Abstract’] (c.1980-81?) [W/P]
Untitled [‘Abstract’] 1981 [W/P]
Untitled [altered Arp book] (1977?) [3/M]
* Untitled [archive slide #1] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #2] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #3] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #4] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #5] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #6] (c.1974-76) [W/P]: see now Untitled [sprayed ‘waves’] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #7] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #8] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #10] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #11] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #12] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #14] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #15] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #16] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #17] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #18] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #19] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #20] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #21] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #22] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #23] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [archive slide #24] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [‘Aztec Head’] 1984 [W/P]
Untitled [Billboard study?] (1982) [W/P]
Untitled [birds] (c.1972) [W/P]
Untitled [Birthday drawing] 1990 [W/P]
Untitled [blue/black with boxes] (1972)
Untitled [‘Cacti and Succulent’] 1986 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Cacti and Succulents’] 1986
Untitled [‘Cacti-Succulents’]; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
* Untitled [‘Cactus Head’] 1984 [W/P]
* Untitled [chair] (1999) [3/M]
Untitled [Christie’s] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [Christie’s] 1977 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Cottage by a Stream’]: see Tudor Home 1995 [W/P]
* Untitled [Couple] (1985?) [W/P]
* Untitled [curving linear form] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled (distorted head) 1998 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Doodle-bug’]; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Untitled (‘Exquisite Corpse’) [1-4] (1984) [W/P] [Howard Arkley, Juan Davila, Maria Kozic]
Untitled [Felony study] (1982) [W/P]
Untitled [‘Five stripes’] (c.1975-6)
* Untitled [geometric construction] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [Geometric pattern] (1981?)
Untitled [‘Girl in a Car’] (1976-7?)
* Untitled [Head] (c.1982) [W/P]
* Untitled [‘Head’] (1996?) [W/P]
* Untitled (‘Head 1’) 1998 [W/P]
Untitled heads [1-10] 1998 [W/P]
Untitled head (#2) 1998 [W/P]: see now Head of Young Man (Dale) 1998 [W/P]
* Untitled head (#3) 1998 [W/P]
* Untitled head (#4) 1998 [W/P]
* Untitled head (#5) 1998 [W/P]
* Untitled head (#6) 1998 [W/P]
Untitled [Heads and Arrows] (1981?): see Coloured Primitive 1982
Untitled [House #1] (1999): see now Colour Field Home 1999
Untitled [House with Gate variant] (1999?): see now Pink Home 1998
Untitled [‘House with Tree’] (c.1995-6) [W/P]
Untitled [Icon study] (1982) [W/P]
* Untitled [“If the porcelain shatters…”] (c.1981) [W/P]
Untitled [installation] (1981) [3/M]
Untitled [Inventory variant] (1976?)
* Untitled [Large head] (c.1985) [W/P]
* Untitled [linear construction #1] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled [linear construction #2] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled [linear pattern with spray] 1977 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Lines and Spots’] 1979 [W/P]
Untitled [‘Lyrical Abstraction’] (1974)
Untitled [Man in baggy trousers] (1985?) [W/P]
* Untitled [Man in blue] (c.1985) [W/P]
Untitled [Man in Coat] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [Man in Frame] 1985 (?) [W/P]
* Untitled [Man in profile] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [Man in Suit] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [‘Man looking onto cityscape’] (1994?)
Untitled [Man Seen from Below] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [Metallic curves] (1981?)
Untitled [metallic stripes] (1972?)
Untitled [Military Mask project] (1984-5) [3/M]
Untitled [Model study] (1982) [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.1] 1975 [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.2] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.3] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.4] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.5] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.6] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.7] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [Monash 8.8] 1975 [W/P]
Untitled [Nubrick study] (c.1986) [W/P]
* Untitled [Nude] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [Oblong-lines] (1974?)
Untitled [‘The Orient’ variant] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [Ornamentik variant] (1981?)
Untitled [Polaroid Portrait collage study] (1997?) [W/P]
Untitled [‘Purple Bird’]: see Little Bird 1995 [W/P]
Untitled [Red Wedge study] (1981?) [W/P] (previously listed as Red Wedge [#2] (1981?) [W/P])
Untitled [red/white frames] (1972)
Untitled [Replica Rietveld Chair] (c.1975-6?) [3/M]
Untitled room installation (ACCA mural) (1984) [3/M]
* Untitled [Seated woman] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [Seltsamer variant] (1974?)
Untitled [Shadow Factory collage] (c.1991) [W/P]
* Untitled [Skull and crossbones] (1994) [W/P]
Untitled [Sprayed and straight lines] (1975?)
* Untitled [sprayed curving shapes] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [Sprayed rectangular fields] (c.1975-6?)
Untitled [sprayed ‘waves’] 1976 [W/P]
Untitled [standing male figure wearing mask] 1991 [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]
Untitled [‘The Second Village’] 1998 [W/P]
Untitled [‘The Star’] 1973 [W/P]
Untitled [study for Muzak Mural] 1981 [W/P]
* Untitled study for The Ritual (1986) [W/P]
Untitled [Suburban study] (1982) [W/P]
* Untitled [‘Suicide’] (1984) [W/P]
* Untitled [Suicide study] (1982-3) [W/P]
Untitled [Three sprayed rectangles] (c.1975-6?)
* Untitled [tree forms with spray] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled [Tudor House] (c.1988) [W/P]
Untitled [‘Tudor House, Fitzroy Gardens’] 1987 [W/P]
Untitled [Two Heads] 1985 [W/P]
* Untitled [W2] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W3] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W4] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W5] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W7] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W8] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W9] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W10] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W11] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W12] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W13 (i)] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W13 (ii)] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W14] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W15] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W16] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W17] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W19] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W20] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W22] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W23] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W24] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W27] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W28] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W31] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W32] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W33] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W34] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W35] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W36] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W37] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W39] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W40] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W41] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W42] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W43] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W44] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W45] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W46] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W47] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W48] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W49] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W50] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W52] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W53] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W54] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W55] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W56] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W59] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W60] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [W61] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* Untitled [‘Wallpaper Palette’] 1998
* Untitled [waves/lines] 1975 [W/P]
Untitled [‘White Painting’]; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Untitled [Winter Notations variant] 1974 [W/P]
Untitled [Winter Notations variant] 1976 [W/P]
* Untitled [Woman and mirror] (1985?) [W/P]
Untitled [Woodgrain Zappo Head] (1991) [W/P]
Untitled [Zappo] (1988?) [W/P]
Untitled [Zappo Head with animal mask] 1991 [3/M]
Untitled [Zappo study] (1982) [W/P]
* Untitled [Zappo study] (1983) [W/P]
Untitled house (1993) (screenprint) [W/P]
Vermiculate Veneer (1998) [3/M]
* Vowel Formats [A126] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
* W Chair (Functional Objects series) (1980) [W/P]
Wall Painting (Muzak Mural) (1981) [3/M]
What it’s like to be captured by my friends (1972) [W/P]
Wigginsia (1994) [W/P] {unidentified}
* Winged to Magic Star 1973 [W/P]
Zappo (1996): see now 96 Zappo 1996
Zappo; and source material (1988 and earlier) [W/P]
Zappo (Cityscape mural) 1984 [W/P]
Zappo Head on Republic Tower (1999) [3/M]
Zappo Head [screenprint] 1991 and later [W/P]
Zappo Head [Visual Tension] 1985 [W/P]
Zappo & Zappo Head: see also under Untitled (various)
Zoo drawings nos.1-2 (1972) [W/P] (unidentified)
Zygocactus: see Model 1983