Zappo Head [Visual Tension] 1985 [W/P]

Printed drawing, 27.5 x 19.5
signed and dated [l.r., within image: ‘HA.85’]
Coll.: N/A
This is the definitive version of this composition, later used as the basis for two 1987 canvases, and Zappo Head [screenprint] 1991 and later [W/P]. See also Zappo Head (1985?) [W/P].
The example reproduced here is from Arkley’s own copy of the published version, with the signature and date, and some minor details, added in black fibre-tipped pen (Arkley archive).
- N/A
- ACCA, Feb.1985 (‘Visual Tension’)
- Visual Tension Feb.1985, p.20