Logitex (a hooked rug) (1981) [3/M]

Alternate title: Red Wedge
Wool, 112 x 174
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra [84.1552.D]
A slide in Arkley’s archive, showing this rug in process, is dateable to the first half of 1981, by analogy with other file slides of Untitled [installation] (1981) [3/M], exhibited in Sydney in May of that year; the in-process photo shows the incomplete rug (the yellow components not yet added) on black and white tiled flooring in front of Arrows and Crosses 1980 and Bodgie 1979.
The rug was evidently finished by the time of the Tolarno show in July 1981 (see installation photos), and another file slide processed Oct.1981 also shows the work in its completed state. Hence the dating of the rug to 1984 by the NGA (also in Duncan 1991, cat.32, and Spray 44) is incorrect.
It now forms part of the installation Logitex (table and chair tableau) (1980-84) [3/M], purchased for the NGA in 1984.
- artist’s collection
- purchased for NGA 1984, as part of the Logitex installation
- HA Tolarno 7/81, cat.11 (as Red Wedge; together with drawings)
- NGA, Canberra, 7/83 (‘A Melbourne Mood’), as part of the Logitex installation
- HA Monash 1991, cat.32 (Logitex installation)
- HA retrospective 2006-7 (Logitex installation)
- Duncan 1991 (HA Monash exh.cat.): p.21 (ill.: as 1980-84)
- Spray 44 (ill.: as 1984)