Untitled [A59] (c.1974-76) [W/P]

Synthetic polymer paint and ink on paper, 31.8 x 25.3 (sheet)
Inscribed in pencil, outside image, l.l.: ‘Note give spray line more character’; and u.r. (upside down): ‘angle wrong’
Private collection, Melbourne
The motif of cascading black sprayed waves over a background of ink verticals also appears in Untitled [sprayed ‘waves’] 1976 [W/P], documented by a slide in Arkley’s archive.
There is also an unlabelled slide of the present work in Arkley’s archive.
= ‘White’ W/P cat.no.81 [previous no.76]
- artist’s collection (no.A56)
- purchased from Arkley Estate, 2021