Untitled [altered Arp book] (1977?) [3/M]

Book with pages clipped by Arkley

Arkley archive

This work involved major changes to a small 1964 monograph (Michel Seuphor, Arp Sculptures, London: Methuen, 1964), presumably bought while Arkley was overseas. Each page was clipped to produce a 3D view ‘through’ Arp’s work: typical double page reproduced here.

The book is comparable with several other books and journals which Arkley modified with his own doodles and other additions at various times (see now Carnival 141-44); it is also closely related to several paper constructions he made in 1977-78, which could also be classified as 3D works: see e.g. Paper Construction (1978) [W/P] and an untitled newspaper collage noted under 1978 Works on paper (minor).


  • artist’s collection
  • Arkley archive


  • Carnival 144 and Fig.5.5, commenting on this work in the context of Arkley’s ‘collaborative impulse’.