New and significantly amended entries (2022-23)

[* signifies new entry; date of addition or revision indicated in square brackets e.g. 7/23]


Annual and Exhibition entries

*   2021 [11/23]

*   2022 [11/23]

*   2023 [12/23]

‘Howard Arkley’, Bellas, Brisbane, May- June 1994: substantially updated entry, including full list of works shown, following receipt of exhibition check-list [7/23]

‘Howard Arkley’, Gould Galleries, Melbourne, Feb.-March 2000: updated entry following receipt of exhibition check-list [1/23]

* ‘Howard Arkley at Home,’ Yellamundie, Dec.2023 – March 2024 [1/25]



Brand New Villa 1994: revised entry, previously listed as Corner House 1994, now confirmed as shown in HA Bellas 5/94, cat.7 [7/23]

English Style (1987): revised entry: canvas previously listed as Tudor House 1987 [10/23]

Felony 1987: revised entry, noting previous ownership, and confirming that this work – not Felony (1983) – was shown in HA NGV 2006-7 [10/23]; also new auction details [11/23]

Home with Brown Bush: revised entry: work previously listed as Untitled [House] (1999) [1/23]

Homefront Strips (1993): revised entry noting new provenance information [4/22]

*   Lavender and Sweet William 1998: work added after receiving new information [1/23]

Lightning (1983): substantially revised entry: work previously listed as unidentified, due to confusion with Zappo 1983 [2/23]

Organic Model A (Thought Form) 1976: revised entry noting new provenance details and correct date (previously listed as 1977?) [9/22]

Pink Home 1998: revised entry incorporating new information (previously listed as Untitled [House with Gate variant] (1999?) [11/23]

*   Stillife Tulips 1995: work added to the catalogue after receiving new provenance information [10/23]

*   Tudor House 1987: painting not previously listed due to confusion with the canvas now listed as English Style (1987) (see above) [10/23]

Two Gizmos 1994: revised entry with new details and photo (previously listed as unidentified [7/23]

Tudor Village (1986): revised entry with new provenance information [7/23]

*   Waiting Room 1998: new entry: work documented by transparency in Arkley’s archive [1/23]

Untitled 1976: revised entry noting new provenance information [4/22]

*   Untitled (1993): new entry with provenance information [5/22]

*   Untitled [House] (1999): new entry: major late work still in Arkley’s studio at his death [3/23]


Works on Paper

Head of Young Man (Dale) 1998 [W/P]: revised entry: work previously listed as Untitled head (#2) (1998) [W/P], with a new photo of the completed work [8/23]

*   Interior with Built-in-Bar 1992 [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]: new entry: preparatory gouache for the two artists’ 1992 screenprint [5/22]

Little Bird 1995 [W/P]: revised entry: previously listed as Untitled [‘Purple Bird’] (1997?) [W/P] [10/23]

Neo-Porteria (1984) [W/P]: revised entry with new provenance information [8/23]

Red Wedge [#1] 1981 [W/P]: substantially revised entry following receipt of new provenance information and correct photo: see also next entry [12/23]

*   Red Wedge [#2] 1981 [W/P]: new entry added after clarification of the distinction between this work and the previous entry [12/23]

Stapelia-Peduncle 1985 [W/P]: revised entry (previously listed under 1986) [10/23]

Tudor Home 1995 [W/P]: revised entry: previously listed as Untitled [‘Cottage by a Stream’] (1997?) [W/P][10/23]

*   Untitled [geometric construction] 1976 [W/P] (= White W/P new entry [5/22]

*   Untitled [linear pattern with spray] 1977 [W/P] (= White W/P new entry [9/22]

Untitled [Red Wedge study] (1981?) [W/P]: revised entry (previously listed as Red Wedge [#2] (1981?) [W/P][12/23]

*          Untitled [tree forms with spray] 1976 [W/P] (= White W/P new entry [9/22]