Untitled [A336] (c.1974-76) [W/P]

Synthetic polymer paint, ink and pencil on paper, 56 x 76 (sheet)
Private collection, Melbourne
Private collection, Melbourne
This large double-sided sheet has evidently gone through some hard times in Arkley’s studio, and was perhaps a rejected working drawing. However, both sides contain partly completed drawings of quality and interest, justifying the inclusion of this work in the present catalogue (entry added August 2021).
To the right of the recto is a group of drawn and sprayed verticals, close in character to various finished works, notably Stroke (1975). The verso shows a number of equally-sized rectangular fields, several filled with pencil, ink and sprayed line-work.
= ‘White’ W/P cat.no.230 [previous no.211A]
- artist’s collection (no.A336)