Tudor Village (1994) [W/P]

Synthetic polymer paint on paper, 76 x 56
Coll.: unknown
This variant of Tudor House 1987 was first exhibited at the Bellas Gallery in May-June 1994, and then later in the year at the Dick Bett Gallery, Hobart. Despite the title, only a single Tudor house is depicted.
- Listed in Arkley’s 1993-6 stock-book under 1994, as ‘sold by Dick Bett’
- HA Bellas 5/94, cat.11 ($900)
- Dick Bett Gallery, Hobart, 8/94 (‘Beyond the Surface’), cat.10 (ill., details as shown here; $1100)
- Kelly 1994 (‘Beyond the Surface’ exh.cat.), fig.4, as reproduced here