Untitled [Skull and crossbones] (1994) [W/P]

SPP on paper, 76 x 56

Private collection, Melbourne

This manic, almost jaunty skull typifies Arkley’s idiosyncratic approach to one of his favourite motifs, already well developed in several of his Mills & Boon doodles from the 1980s (especially in Glorious Haven, c.1984).

However, the work presents a puzzle as regards its title and history. The owner mentions a note indicating the title as ‘Head Satre,’ which obviously brings to mind Head Satre (1994) [W/P], an unidentified drawing shown in HA Tolarno Sept.1995, cat.18 (but not listed in Arkley’s 1993-6 stock-book). But the work shown at Tolarno was listed as for sale, whereas the example catalogued here seems to have been purchased the previous year.

A more likely possibility is that it was one of the unidentified works shown in HA Bellas 1994, e.g. Idiot Vision (1994) [W/P] (cat.13 in the Bellas check-list), also listed under that title in Arkley’s 1993-6 stock-book (1994).

With thanks to the owner for forwarding information and ID photo as shown here. See also Walking Abstract (1994) [W/P].


  • With Peter Bellas, Brisbane
  • Purchased from the above by the present owner, 1994


  • (possibly) HA Bellas 1994, cat.13: as ‘Idiot Vision’