After Durer’s illustrations, Treatise on Measurement (1525) 1987 [W/P]

(presumably) Fibre-tipped pen and photocopy on paper, {size unknown}
signed and dated (monogram, upper centre): ‘HA 1987’
Coll.: unknown
This working drawing was reproduced in the catalogue of the exhibition ‘What is this Thing Called Science’, shown at the University of Melbourne Gallery late in 1987, which included the completed canvas After Durer’s illustrations, Treatise on Measurement (1525) (1987). Both works obviously derive from an Albrecht Dürer woodcut illustrating his treatise on the theory and practice of perspective (1525).
A prominent addition is Arkley’s own ‘HA 1987’ monogram, modelled on Dürer’s famous ‘AD’ signature (a variant is preserved in Arkley’s studio archive). For comments on this motif, and Arkley’s general interest in the German artist, see Carnival in Suburbia (2006), 94.
- Unknown
- Cass 1987, 15 (ill)
- Carnival in Suburbia, 94