Interior with Built-in Bar (1992) [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila]

Various colls., inc. NGA, Canberra
This is the major work-on-paper outcome of the collaboration between Arkley and Davila in the late 1980s/1990s (for comments, see Gregory, Icon Interior, 2001).
The composition modifies the ‘Traditional Living Room’ template from Gold’s Instant Decorator, also the basis for the left-hand canvas of Arkley and Davila’s Blue Chip Instant Decorator: a Room (1991-2) [3/M], and several other 1990s canvases by Arkley. Jones (2012) sees it as a turning point in Arkley and Davila’s collaborative development, signaling a shift from the tense combativeness of the Blue Chip installation towards what she calls the ‘composite authorship’ characterizing the two artists’ subsequent installation Icon Interior (1994-2001) [3/M].
Impressions of this print are held in the NGA, Canberra; the Buxton Collection, Melbourne; and several private collections.
Interior with Built-in-Bar 1992 [W/P] [Howard Arkley & Juan Davila], auctioned in 2022, is a stand-alone gouache and silkscreen work, clearly made in preparation for the present print, with which it makes an intriguing contrast.
- The artists
- Heide 11/01-2/02 (Buxton coll.): Buxton impression
- HA Yellamundie, Sydney, 12/23-3/24: another impression (ill.)
- Art & Australia 38.3, March-May 2001 (Kalli Rolfe advertisement for Davila: as 163 x 228)
- Gregory, Icon Interior, 2001: 5 (inc. B&W ill.; details as above, provided by Davila)
- Crawford 2002 (Buxton coll., 17 (ill.: as 163 x 228)
- Carnival 153 and Fig.5.12
- Jones 2012: 22