Shadow Factories 1990 [Spray]

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 175 x 275
Private collection, Melbourne
Private collection, Melbourne
Photos in Arkley’s archive and the former Monash Visual Arts slide library indicate that this work, reproduced in Spray, was also the factory painting exhibited in the 1991 Arkley survey at Monash.
Shadow Factories (1990) [Lyon] is a slightly smaller but otherwise quite similar contemporaneous version of the same composition. Source images for this and the other factory canvases are reproduced in Carnival 42-44.
- Recorded in Melbourne P/C in planning notes for 1991 Monash exh. and 2006-7 NGVA retrospective (where the size is noted as 175 x 275)
- HA Monash 1991, cat.80 (size given incorrectly as 75 x 274)
- Spray 94-5 (size given as 166 x 240)