Zappo Head on Republic Tower (1999) [3/M]

Jetprint on vinyl, 7.8 x 6.6 metres
Visible Art Foundation collection, Melbourne
Developed with the artist’s agreement on the basis of Zappo Head 1987 [Bendigo], and displayed, as planned, as part of the Melbourne International Festival in October 1999, after Arkley’s death.
The illuminated eyes added another alien dimension to the stylized head (for further comments, see Carnival 175, and Spray, rev edn.).
- commissioned from the artist, 1999
- Republic Tower, Melbourne, from 9 Oct.1999
- Sunday Age (Melbourne), 10/10/99, with photo by Craig Sillitoe
- Cilento 1999 (Melbourne Age report)
- Spray (2001 ed.), 141-2 (inc.ill.: as ‘Zappo’)
- Carnival 175 and Fig.6.26