1983 Works

Works on Paper

In a busy year, during which he also taught part-time at the VCA (Duncan 1991: 23-24), Arkley produced a large number of works on both canvas and paper, and showed in a wide range of exhibitions.
His shift to figuration was now clear, signalled in his two one-man shows at Roslyn Oxley9, in June-July, and Tolarno in October-November. Both exhibitions contained strong indications of his future development, including his first explicit images of suburban houses. The Tolarno show – one of his most resolved and imaginative – received a particularly enthusiastic critical response (for details, see exhibition entry).
In ‘Vox Pop’, staged at the NGV at the end of the year, Arkley combined Tattooed Head (first shown at Tolarno in October) with three other body parts, to produce a series with multiple and complex associations and sources, notably Surrealism; for detailed comments, see catalogue entries.
Key examples of Arkley’s earlier style continued to appear in group shows, notably ‘A Melbourne Mood’, curated by Daniel Thomas and shown in Canberra.
1983 Exhibitions
‘The John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize 1983’, NGV, 10 Feb.-27 March (check-list in Arkley’s archive)
- 3: Spot the Difference (Slow) 1983 [size given as 120 x 160]
- 4: Spot the Difference (Fast) 1983 [120 x 160]
‘Against the Wall: Works from the Michell Endowment of the National Gallery of Victoria)’, Melbourne University Gallery, 23 Feb.-1 April 1983 [cur.Robert Lindsay; catalogue/poster in Arkley’s archive]
‘Comic Stripping’, George Paton Gallery, University of Melbourne, 31 May-24 June 1983 [cur.Denise McGrath; catalogue in artist’s files]. Arkley contributed a double page of doodled sketches for the catalogue (the right page is reproduced in C.Fig.4.15), and 3 working drawings for the show as follows:
- ‘3 working drawings for recent paintings’: installation photos kindly provided by the University of Melbourne archives (July 2010) indicate that the works shown were Untitled [Suicide study] (1982-3) [W/P]; Nude dreaming of spiders 1982 [W/P] (with an additional collaged face on the upper left figure); and Untitled [Zappo study #1] (1982) [W/P].
‘Howard Arkley: Recent Works’, Roslyn Oxley9, Sydney, June-July 1983
– refer linked entry for full details
‘A Melbourne Mood: Cool Contemporary Art’, Australian National Gallery at Melville Hall, ANU, Canberra, 13 July-14 August 1983 [curated by Daniel Thomas; catalogue in Arkley archive]
- Tram Drawing 1980 [1] = Drawing for Decorated Tram Project 1980 [W/P]
- Tram Drawing 1980 [2] = Tram drawing 1980 [W/P]
- Silver Room 1980 = Room Interior 1980 [W/P]
- Red Dress 1980-81 = Dress 1980 [W/P]
- Cup and Saucer 1980-81: see Cup and Saucer 1980 [W/P]
- Table 1980-81 [W/P]
- W, V, X, T (Four Chairs) 1980-81 = Four Chairs W, V, X, T 1980 [W/P]
- Logitex (Table and chair tableau) 1980/1981/1983 = Logitex (table and chair tableau) (1980-84) [3/M] (NB the table & chair were not ready for the Canberra show; they were replaced by 2 chairs from the NGV’s Muzak Mural – Chair Tableau (1980-81) [3/M]: note in NGA cat., pp.10-11]
‘Transporting Art: Impressions of the Painted Trams Project’, Victorian Ministry for the Arts Gallery, Level 9, 168 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, 12 Sept.-14 Oct.1983 (‘Photographs by Stephen Hall, Andrew Lehmann and Greg Scullin, with a selection of the artists’ original sketches and plans’; catalogue/poster in artist’s files)
- Photos of Tram no.384 1980 [3/M]
‘Howard Arkley: Urban Paintings’, Tolarno, Oct.-Nov.1983
– refer linked entry for full details
‘The New Art’ (Michell Endowment), NGV at Banyule, 17 Nov.1983- ?
‘Vox Pop’, NGV, Dec.1983-12 Feb.1984 [cur.Robert Lindsay; catalogue: Lindsay 1983]
- ‘Tattooed’ series (1983) (inc. original Penis): see installation photo above