'Arkley' jumper (1977) [3/M] (Howard Arkley & Elizabeth Gower)

Knitted wool
Private collection, Melbourne
Made by Elizabeth Gower with Arkley’s collaborative input, and worn by him during their trip overseas in 1977-8.
Shown in 2008 (in an exhibition on men and fashion: installation photo reproduced here), together with a text by Elizabeth Gower and two of the photos she took in 1977-8 of Arkley wearing it: for a reproduction of one of these photographs, see introductory text for 1977.
- artist’s collection
- P/C Melb.
- ‘Into the Closet’ (curated by Geoff Nees), Carlton Hotel and Studios, 193 Bourke Street, Melb., 22 Aug.-6 Sept. 2008