1976 Works

Works on Paper

In a quieter year, Arkley focused single-mindedly on his white paintings, ahead of his second solo show in August-September. Although no installation photos for that exhibition are extant, a good impression of its general character was provided by the reunion of a significant number of works originally shown in it, in the Arkley retrospective staged by the National Gallery of Victoria in 2006: see installation photo reproduced here. The cool, reflective approach of these paintings extended the style of his first solo show, combining influences drawn from abstract art with various philosophical and spiritual ideas the artist had been investigating during 1975-6, including Theosophy (see now comments on the 1976 Tolarno exhibition, and also further discussion in Spray 16-21, Carnival 94-100, and Smith, Howard Arkley, 2006).
During the year, Arkley and Elizabeth Gower were both awarded residencies at Moya Dyring studio, Paris, and Green Street studio, New York (Duncan 1991: 19-20): see 1977-78. At the end of the year, Arkley received his Dip.Ed. from Melbourne State College, and applied to register as a secondary teacher (documents in the artist’s archive).