Untitled [A75] (c.1974-76) [W/P]
Synthetic polymer paint on paper, c.31.8 x 25.3 (sheet)
Private collection, Melbourne
This work, one of several early examples related to Actuality (Is the Void Between Events) (1976), may be identical with one of the otherwise unidentified Actuality studies exhibited during the 1990s – see e.g. Study for Actuality [Monash #2] (1974) [W/P].
See also the two related but different examples also shown in the 2006-7 Arkley retrospective: Untitled [A92] (c.1974-76) [W/P] and Untitled [A76] (c.1974-76) [W/P].
= ‘White’ W/P cat.no.92 [previous no.86]
- artist’s collection
- P/C Melb.
- ? (see comments)